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Door Gift Miniature Acacia Perfume
Doorgift Acacia Perfume is a perfume packed inside a small, various coloured boxes.
We offer 4 types of different odors. Gucci Flora, Dolce & Gabbana: Rose The One, Apple Blossom and the latest one is Lancome Hypnose
Can be used for any sort of events like weddings, Business meetings, birthday parties, farewell parties and etc.
1) Dolce & Gabbana : Rose The One
Types Of Odors
2) Gucci Flora
3) Apple Blossom
4) Lancome Hypnose
Single box cost RM10.00
50 – 99 boxes cost RM 8 a piece
100 – 299 boxes cost RM 7 a piece
300 boxes and above cost RM 6 a piece
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